Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Late Night Musing

After a very long, drawn out and humorous discussion with my twin sister last night on the subject of what kind of man we should be with, and I'm telling you with our ADD personality he's gotta be SOMEONE special, we decided that we needed someone that would not put a lid on our spirit and creativity and well, just being who we are. I was already laughing (you know the kind where no sound comes out and tears streaming down my face) when it hit me like a storm, lately when I am with her she is either making me belly to tears laugh or she's really pissing me off, which sent us into more peals of laughter. I never know what its going to be.

I later set out to watch my cookie cutter shows. You know the ones, like House, whose patient was in love with a human doll, and Dancing with the Stars, where the professional dancer had to wear a man cup (?) Hey I don't know what they are called okay? while teaching the Star the Latin Tango and Lost Girl, she's a succubus. Aaah everything was back to normal.